Woodie Woodie
The Woodie Woodie mine site is ConsMin's key asset and located approximately 400km south-east of Port Hedland.
Woodie Woodie is owner-operated. The operation consists of open-pit mining across several pits and a 1.6Mtpa processing plant.
The tenement consists of 1290km2 of exploration tenements and 100km2 in the mining corridor.
Manganese ore has been mined at Woodie since the early 1950's with manganese being the first bulk commodity exported from Port Hedland some 14 years prior to iron ore exports.
Woodie has historically produced a high-grade manganese ore with a high manganese content, high manganese to iron ratio, low phosphorus and hard, competent nature.
In addition to high grade manganese ore, a number of other manganese ore products are produced, including lower grade products and fines products.

Port Hedland
Woodie Woodie
Continued Operations Plan
ConsMin is proposing to extend the life of the Woodie Woodie mine, extending the mine boundaries to the north, south, and west, increasing the Clearing Permit Boundary area from 7589ha to create a Development Envelope of 12,708ha.
Total production volumes will not increase from current levels. There will be no change to the rates of mining, processing or dispatch.
An existing Mine Closure Plan is also being updated.
The operations recently completed a 5-year business plan and reported life of mine in excess of ten years. The rehabilitation and mine closure activities are likely to continue until 2042.
Read more in our Project Update.
The mine's infrastructure includes:
Fixed processing plant
Accommodation village
Administration buildings
Maintenance workshop facilities
Power generation infrastructure
A sealed all-weather airstrip certified for 100-seater jets.
A sealed public road which connects the mine to Port Hedland