Our Story
Consolidated Minerals Australia (ConsMin) is a mid-size mining company headquartered in West Perth, Western Australia. ConsMin’s key asset is the Woodie Woodie manganese mine located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, approximately 400km south east of the town and port of Port Hedland.
Woodie's high-grade manganese ore is recognised as the world’s best manganese ore due to its high manganese content, high manganese to iron ratio, low phosphorous and hard, competent nature. Woodie's high grade ore attracts a price premium over benchmark ores.
Since May 2017, the Consolidated Minerals Group has been privately owned by Ningxia Tianyuan Manganese Industry Co (TMI). The Group has operating assets in Ghana and Australia and trading companies in Jersey, supplying approximately 11% of the world's manganese ore production and approximately 19% of the demand for Chinese imports of manganese ore.
Woodie Woodie site returned to full operations
Announcement of acquisition of 100% equity in Consolidated Minerals by China Tian Yuan Manganese Limited
Finalisation of acquisition by China Tian Yuan Manganese Limited
Woodie operations placed on care and maintenance
Through an on-market takeover offer Palmary Enterprises Ltd acquired Consolidated Minerals, resulting in delisting from ASX of Consolidated Minerals Ltd
Announcement of updated resources of 15.42mt at 41.5% Mn and reserves of 8.71mt at 41.5% at Woodie Woodie
New resource discovered at the Greensnake Deposit. Updated measured resource was increased to 4.22mt at 47.8% Mn
Expansion plans for Woodie Woodie project announced following completion of feasibility study
Acquisition of Woodie tenements from Portman Mining
Valiant Exploration NL changed name to Consolidated Minerals
Large scale open pit mining of high grade ore commenced
Valiant Exploration NL listed on ASX
Manganese deposits discovered at Woodie corridor
Small scale mining commenced at Woodie Woodie
What is manganese?
Manganese is the twelfth most abundant element in the earths crust. As much as 90% of global manganese consumption is accounted for by the steel industry where it is an essential and irreplaceable component in steel manufacturing to improve the strength, resistance and workability of steel
Our values
We believe it’s our values that underpin who we are and define how we approach our work and each other:

- Maintaining high standards and continually lifting the bar
- Solving problems with the big picture in mind
- Tackling issues with energy and enthusiasm
- Never compromising on safety and wellbeing

- Challenging the status quo and sharing our ideas
- Seeking and developing growth opportunities
- Using technology to its fullest
- Failing fast and learning from our mistakes

- Communicating openly and honestly
- Trusting each other's intentions
- Recognising good performance and celebrating success
- Taking responsibility to 'Work Safe Live Safe' and never compromise
our commitment to safety

Focusing on the things that matter most -
Taking a practical and uncomplicated approach -
Planning for success, focusing on outcomes -
Staying true to our purpose -

Delivering on our promises and finishing what we start -
Thriving on a challenge -
Own our decisions, commitments and actions -
Taking pride in our work -

Our ambition
As one of the world's largest manganese ore producers, we're proud of our industry position. But we also recognise that our company has vast potential.
Our ambition is to significantly grow the value of our business by focusing on five key areas:
Remain globally cost competitive
Increase our mine life through ongoing investment in exploration and development
Leverage technology and innovation
Increase production
Maintain a healthy and resilient company