Marble Bar DFES Starlink Support

On the 14th April 2024, Mark had the pleasure of presenting a ConsMin-donated Starlink service to the local DFES branch in Marble Bar. This service will provide on-scene communication during emergency response activities and potentially save lives.
Tino and Wendy were grateful for the demonstration and the support from ConsMin in helping the local community. The best part was showing how easy the Starlink is to set up and use.
Thank you, ConsMin, for your generous donation and commitment to making a difference.
Annual RFDS Fundraiser
On the 3rd, 10th and 17th of November, Woodie Woodie’s Mango Bar held ConsMins’ Annual Quiz Nights. A total of 305 participants enjoyed quizzes featuring 5 rounds and 52 brain busting questions. 40 items generously donated by our suppliers and business partners were auctioned with plenty of banter by our auctioneers and friendly competition between bidders and 900 tickets were sold in our annual raffle offering 11 quality prizes being drawn on the final Quiz Night.
The auctioned items, raffle and quiz entry fees raised a total of $20,830.00 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia who provides vital support and services to people living in remote regions throughout Australia. These quiz
nights and the proceeds raised would not have been possible without the support and kind donations from all our suppliers, business partners and employees who supported these events.

The Rhodes Ridley Award

The Rhodes Ridley was a haulage truck designed especially for manganese haulage at Woodie Woodie back in 1958. It was the largest truck in the southern hemisphere and designed by workshop manager Harold Ridley, who had no formal qualifications and based the designs on his experience and technical knowledge.
This story is not only unique to Woodie Woodie, but it is also very motivating and inspiring. We are proud to announce our new reward and recognition program, the Rhodes Ridley Award.
The award will recognise Woodie Woodie personnel performing at a high level, demonstrating our core values and are going above and beyond the expectations of their job.
Mining Minds Matter
ConsMin is very proud of our Mental Health Program: Working Away Not Alone. Life challenges can become even more difficult with a FIFO lifestyle, where our mental health and wellbeing can become seriously tested.
In order for our appointed Mental Health First Aiders to be easily identified, our Woodie and West Perth operations have recently introduced unique work shirts for all mental health first aiders so they can be easily spotted to assist with mental health support or crisis.
At a glance it is a fun and colourful shirt, but it is a simple tool aimed at starting the difficult conversations and reducing the stigma that continues to surround mental health.
At work and at home, lets support open and honest conversations.

International Women's Day Event
This year ConsMin held our International Women’s Day Event on May 20. Our event was held at our Woodie Woodie Mine Site and included guests from our West Perth Office, Woodie Woodie Mine Site, Warrawagine Cattle Co & Wallal Downs. As the weather in the Pilbara can be quite temperamental in March, we wanted to ensure weather would not disrupt visitors being able to attend the event.
We were lucky enough to have Millie Allbon and Jillian Formentin from the The Hunger Project Australia facilitate two sessions on Unearthing Women’s Leadership followed by a networking lunch fully catered in house by our newly formed catering and village services team.
A huge thank you to everyone that helped make this day possible, for all our women who attended the day, some from over 400kms away and to The Hunger Project Australia who designed an inspiring, engaging and interaction session which added so much value to us. ConsMin is proud to value diversity and host these events for not only our women but within our community too. We hope you enjoy the slideshow which features some photos and information about the event.