Good environmental performance is key to our sustainability.
We seek to create a culture where biodiversity is protected and preserved, resources are used efficiently, and, where practicable, waste and pollution is prevented. Our environmental performance is tracked and managed through identification of environmental aspects and impacts by a team of environmental professionals in both operational and functional roles.
Our approach to environmental management includes our core values:
We commit to complying with all applicable legal and statutory requirements, industry standards and guidelines in relation to environmental management.
As part of our environmental management, our activities are governed by conditions detailed in environmental approvals, licences and tenement conditions set out by regulatory authorities.
We believe that compliance with legal and other obligations is the first step towards good environmental performance.

We foster a culture of teamwork, incorporating environmental considerations into all areas of our business to effectively manage environmental impacts and risks.
Our environment team provides information, instruction, training and supervision to enable our people to understand and comply with their environmental obligations and responsibilities.
We are dedicated to minimising the adverse impacts of our operations and activities on the environment.
We implement a rigorous internal ground disturbance permitting process to manage environmental risk and understand the impacts to biodiversity.

We implement and maintain an effective environmental management system. Our documented system assists us in identifying and managing environmental risk, tracking environmental objectives and targets, and facilitating continuous improvement.
We utilise innovation and technology in our environmental management activities. Our recent partnership with Curtin Innovation Centre resulted in the development of a software program capable of identifying specific species in motion sensitive camera images without the need for human input.

Learn more about this program here
Click here to view our Environment Policy